"ANT REMOVAL" Experiment Protocol
- Wipe trail of ants with a wet paper towel.
- If you have peppermint oil, vinegar, or lemon juice, wipe down counter where ants were walking with your liquid of choice.
- Choose a spice powder (cinnamon, black pepper, cloves, or cayenne) and place at the entrance point and the exit point. In addition, cover a good amount of area surrounding the entry/exit points to deterrent in any new areas that the ants may be coming towards.
- Wait for 1-2 hours. After time’s up, record the status of the ants.
- Have resumed on old path, as if spice is not there?
- Are they still are coming inside? If so, where is the entrance point? How far (in feet) in relation to the spice placement is the new entrance point?
- Do they not come back inside?
- Leave powder there for 24 hours. Check once more, and record the status of the ants.
- Submit your results of your experiment to this google form below.
- Your findings will help us aggregate data from multiple experiments and allow us to find a natural ant repellent method to prevent future ant invasions, backed up by your scientific evidence.
- If you would like do the “lab” experiment, click here (coming soon)